What to Expect - Concord Group Insurance
Once you have contacted your agent or Concord Group Insurance, a claim generally consists of the following steps:
You will be contacted by an adjuster to discuss the details of your claim and, if necessary, an appointment will be set up for inspection of your claim.
The adjuster will determine the scope of necessary repairs to be able to prepare an estimate for the covered damages. If you have a contractor, please ask they be present for this inspection.
Estimate of Damages
The adjuster completes their file by writing an estimate for the covered damages.
File Review
All applicable coverages and the completed estimate are thoroughly reviewed and verified for accuracy.
Payment Issued
Reimbursement for repair or replacement of your damages may be made in two or more payments. You will receive a copy of the estimate of damages which details all the following payments:
1st Payment: Actual Cash Value (ACV) - ACV is the cost to either replace an item with a like kind and quality, less depreciation, or repair an item, less depreciation. Depreciation is a decrease in the value of that item due to its age and condition.
Repairing your Property
Contact a contractor of your choice and provide them a copy of the estimate. Review the estimate with them to ensure that the scope of damages and repair process is completely understood. If there is a cost difference, contact us immediately. Once the repairs are completed, you may be eligible for the following:
2nd Payment: Replacement Cost (RC) - If your policy has replacement cost coverage, you may be entitled up to the full amount shown on the estimate you received with your first payment. To receive this payment, you will need to submit the following to The Concord Group claims branch to review for proof of completion:
An itemized invoice, photos of repaired property and any other documentation are items we may further request. We reserve the right to inspect the repaired property.
Once the review process is complete, we will reimburse you the depreciation that was withheld, or the actual cost of the repairs less the deductible and initial payment, whichever is less.
Report your claim to your independent agent.
To report a claim, you may do so by either contacting your agent or The Concord Group directly.