Workers Compensation Claims - Concord Group Insurance
Always call 911 first for any potentially life-threatening situations. If no emergency is present, follow the steps below:

Concord Injury Hotline
We know that even the safest workplace environment, accidents can occur. The Concord Injury Hotline will provide immediate access to medical professionals to assist with triage advice and recommendations.
The Concord Injury Hotline is available 24 hours a day by calling 1-833-919-1773.
PLEASE NOTE: This service is designed to help employees when they are injured at work. If further treatment is recommended, a claim will be initiated on the policyholder's behalf.

Reporting a Claim
If your business is faced with a workplace injury, our main goal is to get you up and running again at full capacity as soon as possible.
To report a claim, contact your local independent Concord Group agent as soon as possible.
If you’re unable to reach your agent after normal business hours, we provide an after-hours claim reporting phone service for claim emergencies. The service is available on weekdays from 5 p.m. to 8 a.m. and 24 hours a day on weekends and holidays by calling 1-833-919-1773.